Top 5 Cleanse Tips

Drink Plenty of Water – Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces per day. For a 150 pound person, that’s 75 ounces per day minimum.

Rest – Allow your body to rejuvenate. Relax and focus on nourishing all aspects of yourself – mind, body, and spirit. Try taking an epsom salt baths, go on walks in nature, read an uplifting book, re-connect with a friend or loved one – do what replenishes you.

Optimize toxin release – Ensure at least daily bowel movements, move your body – sweat, get a massage, etc. If you become constipated during a cleanse, try Yogi Smooth Move tea, get a colonic, or take some extra fiber. Cleansing releases stored toxins in to your bloodstream so that your body can excrete them – they will only get reabsorbed if they don’t have a way out. This is the reason that cleansing can be dangerous and why I recommend doing a medically supervised cleanse.

Break your cleanse wisely – Ease out of your cleanse, don’t go straight to the drive thru to get what you may have been craving. Carefully select foods that are going to make you feel good in the long run and maintain mindfullness about how what you eat makes you feel.

Get Creative – The more variety you have in your cleanse diet, the more likely you’ll continue to eat healthfully after a cleanse. Check out cookbooks with cleansing recipes, browse through your local health food store for interesting foods, get your friends and family involved in coming up with new and fresh ideas in the kitchen.

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