Cleansing and Detoxification for Body, Mind, and Spirit

As seen in the January 2011 Connection Magazine

There’s no better way to boost vitality than to simplify the diet. A basic cleanse is easy enough to fit into everyday life. This kind of cleanse is great for people who want to feel lighter, feel more mentally clear, and want to optimize their overall health. Along with dietary changes, a dedicated cleanse is a great time to clear out mental and spiritual clutter.

A basic nutritional cleanse emphasizes whole and organic foods, reduces inflammation, and eliminates food intolerances. To quote Michael Pollan, the goal here is to “Eat Food, not too much, mostly plants.” 

Cleanse Guidelines:

  1. No processed foods
  2. No alcohol, black tea, coffee, or other intoxicants
  3. No sugars or sweeteners with the exception of Stevia
  4. No dairy, eggs, wheat/gluten, soy, or corn. These are the most common food intolerances.
  5. Minimize animal proteins (some organic chicken and wild salmon are ok)

Eat organic cooked and raw veggies, fruits, veggie/fruit smoothies, whole grains, beans, nuts and nut butters, broths, teas. Drink lots (at least half of your body weight in ounces) of purified water.  

Cleansing increases your body’s ability to release stored toxins so it’s vital to support your body in that process to prevent toxin reabsorption. Sweat often, have at least 1 bowel movement a day, and minimize toxin exposure. Use fiber, drink Yogi’s Smooth Move tea, or get a colonic to prevent constipation. Herbs like turmeric, milk thistle, and chlorella are also helpful to support liver detoxification.

Avoid things that increase mental clutter and toxic thoughts. Limit time on the internet, phone and television. Spend as much time as possible in nature. Walk outside with feet on the earth to draw energy down from the head. Be mindful of recurring negative thoughts and transform them into positive affirmations.

Explore heavy or stuck feelings. Allow space to be with and to release whatever is no longer serving you. If past anger or sadness comes up, take a look at what actions can be taken to let these go. The space freed up by this release will be the perfect place to plant some new, wonderful, and vibrant possibilities! Consider a check-in with your therapist or guru for support in this process.  

Exercise, breathwork, Epsom salt baths, bodywork, meditation, and rest are ways to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. Commit to a 14-21 day cleanse program and ease in and out of the cleanse. Prepare in advance by stocking up on lots of cleanse-friendly foods and ease out of your cleanse by gradually introducing foods and monitoring how your body responds. Carefully select foods that are going to make you feel good in the long run and maintain mindfulness about what you put in your body.

*Cleansing/Detoxification is not safe for everyone. Ask Dr. German if a cleanse is right for you.*

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