Top 10 Ways to Detoxify Daily

Detox Tip #1: End your shower w/ a blast of cold water. Moving your blood flow to your core promotes detoxification in your vital organs.

Detox Tip #2: Beets, burdock and brassicas (like cabbage and kale) are liver cleansing foods. Eat at least 1 a day everyday, more during a cleanse.

Detox Tip #3: Fill your home & work space w/ air cleaning houseplants like ivy, peace plants, & spider plants.

Detox Tip #4: Watermelon, parsley, & celery are all kidney cleansing foods. Try tabouleh salad, hummus w/ celery sticks, & watermelon for lunch!

Detox Tip #5: Be mindful of what you put on your skin. Many common care products contain toxic chemicals.

Detox Tip #6: Spice it up in the kitchen. Herbs like ginger, turmeric, & cayenne are anti-inflammatory and help the body cleanse naturally.

Detox Tip #7: Move your body. Sweat releases toxins through your skin & physical movement promotes detoxification in your blood and lymph.

Detox Tip #8: Supplement with fish oil. Omega 3’s soften your cell membranes, allowing important nutrients to enter & toxins to exit.

Detox Tip #9: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Without water your cells cannot detoxify. Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight in oz per day.

Detox Tip #10: Don’t eat pesticides. Can’t swing 100% organic? Avoid the dirty dozen and eat more of the clean fifteen.

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