10 Household Cleaners to Avoid at all Costs

Consider that good “clean” smell in the air after your house has been cleaned. What kind of chemical combination does it take to create that smell? Unless you are one of the minority of people that either makes their own of puts forth the effort to use only “clean” cleaning products, you are likely exposed to chemicals that ould have a serious impact on your health.

Some of these chemicals haven’t been tested much at all and others have been tested and proven harmful but still go unregulated in the U.S.

I remember when the product “Febreeze” was introduced into the market. I loved it. I was a college student using mostly 2nd hand furniture, living with multiple housemates and pets, and rarely finding the time to clean. I cringe when I think about how much Febreeze I inhaled and absorbed into my pores thru skin exposure. Thankfully, now I know better!

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) helps to document ingredients in cleaning products that have been correlated with illnesses like cancer. Check out this list of the worst cleaning products on the market. Then check out this site with links to easy recipes to make your own cleaner (and cheaper) products.

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